zondag 9 januari 2011

Scarface (1983)

A epic crime drama story about a Cuban refugee who arrives in Miami where he quickly rises to power.
 But not everybody likes that. Can he survive he assault? The world is yours!

Name:Emilio Rebenga.
Who is this person?:One of the 'top dogs' for Fidel Castro in the early days.
The Killer:Tony Montana.
Why:Somebody wanted him dead , Tony did it and got out of the refugee camp.
Last words:???
Name:Angel Fernandez.
Who is this person?: Tony's associate.
How:By Chainsaw.

The Killer:Hector.
Why:Hector wanted the money from Tony. Tony didn't give it.

Last words:Tony!

Who is this person?:Hector's partner.

How:Shot with a machine gun.

The Killer:Manny Ribera.
Why:The deal was a set-up. 

Last words:Don't Move (In Spanish)


Names:Hector's Henchmen
Who are these persons?:Henchmen of Hector.

How:Shot in torso and shoulder.

The Killers:Chi Chi and Tony Montana.
Why:The deal was a set-up 

Last words:???

Who is this person?:A new drug dealer in town.

How:Shot in the head.

The Killer:Tony Montana
Why:The deal was a set-up/for killing Angel.

Last words: I Kill You!

Name:Omar Suarez
Who is this person?:Frank Lopez's henchman/under boss.

How:Hanged from a helicopter

The Killer:Sosa's henchmen
Why:He was an informer for the police. 

Last words:I guess so.

Who is this person?:A performer at a club.

How:Shot with machine guns.

The Killer:Club gunmen.
Why:They wanted to shoot Tony. They hit him instead.

Last words:???
Names:Club Gunmen.
Who are these persons?:Gunmen who wanted to take out Tony.

How:One shot multiple times and the other got hit with a bar with spot lights on it.

The Killer:Tony Montana.
Why:They shot first. 

Last words:???
Name:Frank Lopez
Who is this person?:A Miami drug lord. Who was Tony's (First) boss.

How:Shot in the chest.

The Killer:Manny Ribera.
Why:He arranged a hit on Tony.

Last words:No! No!

Name:Mel Bernstein
Who is this person?: A corrupt cop/detective of the Miami Police Department.
How:Shot twice.

The Killer:Tony Montana.
Why:He arranged a hit on Tony.

Last words:Fuck you!

Who is this person?:A professional henchmen of Sosa
How:Shot in the head.

The Killer:Tony Montana
Why:Wanted to blow up a car with a mother and kids. Tony didn't want that.

Last words:Shut your mouth! (In Spanish)

Name:Manny Ribera
Who is this person?:Tony's best friend and the husband of Gina.
How:Shot in the chest.

The Killer:Tony Montana
Why:For sleeping with Gina. Didn't know that Gina and Manny where married.

Last words:Tony.
Who is this person?:He was Frank Lopez's bodyguard until the takeover. Now works for Tony.

The Killer:Sosa's army.
Why:They wanted to reach Tony. He was guarding the house.

Last words:??? (Something in Spanish)

Names:Tony Montana's Henchman.
Who are these persons?:Tony's henchman.

The Killer:Sosa's army.
Why:They protected Tony.

Last words:???

Name:Gina Montana/Gina Ribera
Who is this person?:The sister of Tony and the wife of Manny.
How:Shot multiple times.

The Killer:Sosa's Army.
Why:The killer wanted Tony dead they hit her instead.

Last words:Come on and just fuck me!

Name:Sosa's Army.
Who are these persons?:Sosa's men who needed to 'take care' of Tony Montana.
How:Shot (Some survived)

The Killer:Tony Montana
Why:They wanted to kill Tony and they killed Gina.

Last words:???

Name:Nick the pig.
Who is this person?:Tony's henchman.
How:Shot in the head with a shotgun.

The Killer:The Skull.
Why:He protecting Tony.

Last words:Get out of here!
Name:Chi Chi
Who is this person?:One of Tony's best friends and henchman.
How:Shot multiple times.

The Killer:Sosa's Army.
Why:For protecting Tony. (Tony didn't open the door) 

Last words:Conjo! (Spanish insult)
Name:Tony Montana.
Who is this person?:A violent and ambitious Cuban refugee.
How:Shot in the back with a shotgun.

The Killer:The Skull.
Why:For betraying Sosa.

Last words:I take your fucking bullets!Go ahead!

Many people find death in this movie! It took very long to make this, so i hope you will enjoy it.
Not many crazy deaths. Except for the chainsaw and the spot lights.
Explanation for last week riddle:Say hello to my little friend!
Riddle For next week movie:His momma always said.
Hope i will see you next week!

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